Thursday, 3 December 2009

Wide Ida

Lupino deserves more words, but Iconista deserves rest. Fill in the gaps for me, darlings, and wake me when the cocktails are shaken.


A said...

I adore Ida! She was a fabulous actress and director.

VP81955 said...

Hard to believe Ida was brought to America for the purpose of playing Alice (in the 1933 "Wonderland," a role that went to Charlotte Henry). She'd have been terribly miscast in the part, exuding sensuality rather than innocence.

For more on Ida and "Alice," see

Iconista said...

Bless you, VP, for your informative gobbets. They're like olives in my martini.

VP81955 said...

Thank you, Iconista. I hope one of these days you will add "Carole & Co." to your blogroll.

Iconista said...

Oh Darling! Are you not already there? I suspect some New Year spring cleaning might be in order.