OK, fellas, I've been a long time gone. No doubt you have missed me horribly. There's just too little of this dame to go round. Suck on these lollipops for a while, they should sweeten your sharp, sharp tongues.
What about this for a shocking and gruesome story, revealed in Garters (one of my fave blogs). I want to know more...was she scarred for life? Did this end her acting career? Did the police catch the "gorilla" ("psychopath" might be more apt)? And why does she look so chirpy in the photo?

And If Charlie Parker let me indulge my secret penchant for Bowie again this week...

Indeed, so did Vintage Photographs with a fab Bowie mugshot in his Thin White Duke phase (one of his best)

Incidentally, the Vintage Photograph blog, seems to have developed quite a thing for vintage erotica of late, which is very cute.

Since people clearly knew nothing about sex before the 60s, it's hard not to look at these photos and imagine these women had no idea what they were doing..."I really think I could have managed this without taking my dress off"....which of course is perfectly wrong-headed of me.
Back to more serious things. The Self-Styled Siren has managed another long article, this time on a secret favourite of mine: George Sanders. I would have married this man if I'd been fifty years older. He is perfect heaven. Of course I've not actually read the Siren's article yet, (no doubt she has done a worthy job of capturing the man); I want to savour the anticipation because if I discover he was less than a cad in real life I shall be utterly crushed and disillusioned.

And thank you Parker, for these beautiful pics. How I would love to be Dorothy Lamour for the day. Just the day, mind. At night I prefer to be me. And it would be Hell to be beautiful ALL the time.

And a thank you to Garters for a new Mary Miles Minter photo.

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